Tuesday 23 September 2014

Temporary Hiatus

My computer died.

My laptop has unfortunately suffered a mechanical hard-drive failure. Fortunately I have recovered my data before it failed completely, but I am currently without a computer of my own (I am borrowing laptop and internet for this short post) and as such blogging has been on temporary hiatus since the laptop broke and will be until I get proper computer access again, at which point I have a lot to post (as those who follow the associated FaceBook page to this blog already know). While I can borrow computers for brief intervals, this is a) rare and b) not long enough time to create proper posts. As such, I am putting this blog on hiatus until I have enough time to post something decent. 

I've been travelling around Scotland in the meanwhile, so there will be a LOT to post when I get back, including plenty of Gothic and Gothic Revival architecture, Edinburgh Castle and other goodies.