I had a long chat with some of the management team at work, and I was allowed to dye my hair purple, as long as it wasn't too vivid. So, I went off and did that! I have been holding out because I didn't want to do anything that would be considered very unprofessional-looking, or go against dress code. I understand the need to look sensible and responsible for the parents at the school, but as vivid colours have become more fashionable and mainstream, and as several of the mothers have interesting colour hair (one has bright blue!), I think I am now in a better place to have purple hair, especially darker purple, as it is a lot more acceptable than it was a few years back.
My eczema did not agree with my lipstick.
The skin around my lips is pink. I don't have giant lips. |
I get a rather itchy reaction to all dyes involving PPD, whether black, purple, blue or otherwise. As such, I've had to go away from permanent dyes and search for other ways to get my hair interesting colours. I've gone for semi-permanent dyes, which are more expensive as they require more maintenance and touch-ups, but which allow me to have a variety of colours without a sore and itchy head. I've tried henna and indigo, but would take so many applications just to get my hair black, that it wouldn't be financially viable.
The first step in dyeing my hair was bleaching it. As I have previously experimented with henna, this didn't quite go to plan. As my hair was all back to the same dark brown, I had assumed that all the henna had washed out. Unfortunately, I was wrong, and it is just that the henna'd hair was about the same colour as my natural hair, and therefore I couldn't see it. The results from the first bleach treatment was hair that was blonde at the top, and copper from a few inches down to the tips.
Not a pretty sight, but a work in progress. |
This was not what was anticipated! I did this on Wednesday morning before an afternoon shift, and had to wear a wig to work! Oops. I then went back into town to buy more bleach to bleach the copper parts a second time. Even after a second bleaching, they went to a pale ginger (I don't have a picture) whereas the very top roots went blonde. Initially I panicked, but after advice from my friend Eilidh, I figured that my hair dyeing would probably result graduated plum effect, and that was something I could work with.
After adding some Stargazer Plume, itself a blueish purple, I ended up with a good plummy colour that I was reasonably happy with, but it was a bit too red for my liking, almost a dark pink rather than a purple. As you can see, my natural hair is reasonably long. Anyway, in this photo the graduated effect is not very visible, but it is in real life.
Purple! |
I then bought some Stargazer True Blue to give a darker (and thus less vivid, as I felt that the plum was perhaps too bright on its own for work) and more obviously varied effect. I sectioned off the most vivid sections of my hair with hair-tyes and clipped them above the crown of my head (which, as it had previously been blonde, was a very vivid purple) and then set about adding blue to the browner and redder sections in order to make a deeper, more purple colour. The effect makes it look like I have plum highlights, purple as a main colour, and deep, almost indigo, lowlights. I'm really happy with it.
Several purples - and frizzy hair! Oops. |
I am hoping that this photo demonstrates the variety of purples in my hair a bit better. My hair is a bit dry and frizzy from repeated bleaching and dyeing. I am delaying washing it so that some of the natural oils can return and bring it back to life a bit, and the next time I wash it, I will minimise shampoo and condition it thoroughly. Altogether, I am very happy with my hair, and will wear it out to dinner with friends on Friday with pride!
All photos are webcam selfies taken on my MacBook. Please ask if you wish to repost anywhere, and if you do, please credit Domesticated Goth and link back here.