My personal blog as a 'grown-up' Goth and Romantic living in the Highlands of Scotland. I write about the places I go, the things I see and my thoughts on life as a Goth and the subculture, and things in the broader realm of the Gothic and darkly Romantic. Sometimes I write about music I like and sometimes I review things. This blog often includes architectural photography, graveyards and other images from the darker side of life.

Goth is not just about imitating each other, it is a creative movement and subculture that grew out of post-punk and is based on seeing beauty in the dark places of the world, the expression of that in Goth rock. It looks back to the various ways throughout history in which people have confronted and explored the macabre, the dark and the taboo, and as such I'm going to post about more than the just the standards of the subculture (Siouxsie, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, et al) and look at things by people who might not consider themselves anything to do with the subculture, but have eyes for the dark places. The Gothic should not be limited by what is already within it; inspiration comes from all places, the key is to look with open eyes, listen carefully and think with an open mind..

Sunday 24 May 2015

Loving My Green Hair

When I started dyeing my hair green, it was partly because my blue hair had faded to a greenish turquoise and I had as yet not experimented with green yet, partly because I really like the colour green, and . Green is my second favourite colour, but it is not one that appears much in my wardobe, unlike plum purple (my favourite colour) and wine red (my third favourite colour) so having green hair has mean that for some outfits, I have been wearing wigs more than I used to do. I was never expecting to keep my hair green for this long - I thought that by now, my hair would be back to blue or even violet again - but I've really fallen for the green! 

Bright green hair. Selfies taken with forward facing phone cam

This picture was taken just before I went on holiday over Easter. As I've said before, I reserve the brighter shades for the holidays because even though work are happy with unnatural colours, they prefer it if I stick to darker shades - easier said than done when my hair often fades to a muted pastel version of whatever colour I had it dyed before I have the opportunity to retouch it and recoat it in another layer or two of colour. While the forward-facing camera on my new-ish phone does not have adjustable focus, and due to this several of the pictures are slightly blurry, I still love this collection of selfies because my hair looks so luminescent and vibrantly green; as I use UV reactive dye, my hair really does glow in the twilght of evening!

I have had my hair green for about a year now, so a lot longer than I had it purple or blue. I am starting to think about going back to either blue or purple, but I think I will keep it green for a little while longer. 


  1. I love green hair, it's on my list of colours to dye. Your hair looks great! I'd like to do a sea green but nothing quite matches what I want. I'll probably have to do some colour mixing, some day when the local shops finally get all the dye that's been on back order.

    1. I would suggest mixing Directions Alpine Green and Stargazer Tropical Green (it's turquoise) for a bluer sea green, or just going with Alpine Green if you want a deep cool green.

  2. The Green is magnificent ill say

  3. Great choice! It fits you very well! I just dyed my hair red... :)
    Bye bye, Mirjam.

    1. Thankyou :) Red's a snazzy colour - I've had mine red before, and maybe I'll go back to red at some point in the future.


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